The scarf of power

The scarf of power

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Each of us is unique.  There is no one else in the world, quite like us.  We are the only ones who can do the extraordinary things we do. And what we do is unique. We may not win outstanding awards or public acclaim for our deeds, but we make the world a better place because of them.

My deed to myself and you are following my passion, which I can share with you. Sharing Scarves for life are art and design of my memories & observations I’ve transferred on textiles. 

I  developed this project purely to share the message of confidence and empowerment to women around the world. Inspiration for these long scarves (220cmx110 cm) came out of living in India and seeing women’s behavior here and how they “garnish” it. Most women in Hyderabad (where I currently live) wear some type of cover as part of their devotion to show modesty and respect to the long cultural history. Learning that wearing scarves had a purpose of hiding femininity through history pull out a confrontational persona in me where I didn’t want women not to be seen by society. 

I wanted to make something bigger and accessible to women worldwide, telling them that it’s great to be a woman. To give them something to open their mind to accept the worth of being seen as a person who can achieve things. She has that power within herself - the ability to speak and stand up for herself, not to be afraid to live, not to be scared to put her ideas out in the world, and not to be scared to fail and get up again. 

 The "smallness" of a female presence in society, which is purposely embedded in the female world and not being seen as equal partners and knowledgeable human beings were a “four-wheel-drive” dessert drive to me to develop these scarves. They are digital prints of my original paintings on the cotton voile textile. 

Each scarf carries a powerful story to empower a woman who decides to wear this scarf.  

"I've always been fascinated by memory because it is completely our own. No one has the same memories of one person that gave the strength to the other one."

See the whole collection here 

Ciao, Ana 

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